The Adventure Begins!

Thinking of Full-time RV’ing? A Few Helpful Tips

“Full-time RVing is certainly not for everyone but if it is something that sounds interesting, we highly recommend it! It has totally changed the way we look at life. Constantly moving our home to new locations means we are always trying new things and seeing amazing sights. It also makes us extremely grateful for and in awe of the beautiful nature around us,” says Courtney from AStreamin’Life.


Courtney and Steve retired in their mid-30’s, and travel in their 30’ Airstream with 2 dogs, sharing travel adventures, RV life and how you can plan for early retirement.
For Steve & Courtney full-time RV’ing meant:
“Selling both our homes and 99 percent of everything we owned, quitting our full-time jobs and hitting the road with our 2 dogs in a 200 sqft Airstream. That is a lot of change! However, there are some tips that can make it easier.

When it comes to decluttering and selling your belongings, take things slowly if you can. We started selling our possessions almost a year before we actually moved into the Airstream. We spent a lot of time trying to “live” like we were in 200 sqft while still in our 1500 sqft home. We closed up all the rooms in the house we didn’t use (and slowly sold everything from in them). We spent more time together in the same room when typically we’d be in different spaces (to get used to being in a small space together). We watched YouTube videos of other full-timer RVers to get excited but also understand some of the challenges of the lifestyle. We went RV shopping (more RV looking) on weekends and tried to imagine ourselves living in each one. We researched amazing camping spots and natural wonders around the US to figure out where we would want to go. We even moved into our Airstream and stayed stationary in our town for a full year before hitting the road. All of these things allowed us to try out this lifestyle before we actually made the full leap.

All in all, we encourage (people) when thinking of making a major change in life, that you try to live it as much as possible beforehand in whatever way you can. Perhaps rent an RV for a trip (if you’ve never RVed before). Or put aside a whole vacation to live in your RV for as long as possible to get a feel for whether it works for you and your family. Like all lifestyles, there are amazing moments and not so amazing moments when living full-time in an RV and traveling. For us the amazing outweighs the rest but that won’t be true for everybody.”

Full-time RV’ing isn’t for everyone, but more couples and single people are giving up permanent, physical dwellings to become Nomads. Couples are embracing a simpler lifestyle, working remotely while traveling this beautiful country.

AStreaminLife, offer some great videos on their YouTube channel, sharing the peaks and valleys, boondocking, composting and living in their silver, rivet-filled, home on wheels, of daily life. They share videos and blogs for RV’ers at any stage of the RV life.

Homepage Gym Early Retirement, Financial Independence and being a Digital Nomad