If you are going to be a remote employee for a company, you probably won’t need to worry about hosting. Hosting is for those of you doing freelance, affiliate, and entrepreneurial remote work and want to develop a website on that branded domain name you invested into.
Shared Hosting
You can generally get a shared hosting server plan very cost effectively that allows unlimited domains and websites to be hosted on it. This gives you room to expand later, if/when you decide to create an entire network of revenue generating websites.
At a minimum, you’ll need at least one website to showcase your clients, portfolio, services, and any other information about your self-employed/freelance or established business venture.
When you are ready to search for a reliable hosting company, I recommend using Godaddy™. We’ve been using Godaddy since 2005 and very happy with their services/products.
Be sure to review all our resources. Don’t skip anything we outlined there. We know it’s a lot of reading, but you’ll be thankful you read it all later.