If you are looking for low risk investments on a tight budget with short term and long term gain options, domain investing might be a good fit for you.
Every website on the internet is developed on a domain name. Domains are the equivalent counterpart to real property, except digital. Just like with real property store fronts, it’s all about the location as to the value/markup.
The better the domain name to a perspective buyer in the niche your domain asset is targeted for, the more profit you can make.
The Potential Of Domain Investing
Low Risk Investment
It’s not uncommon to still see a domain name that was hand registered for $1.99 to $13.00 resell a couple months or years later for $100 to $5,000.00.
Where else can you spend $1.00 and make a potential 1,000% return in that amount of time?
ROI Potential
It’s also not uncommon to see domain investors buying from other domain investors on the aftermarket for $100 to $10,000.00 and then resell months or years later for $1,000.00 to $100,000.00+.
I suggest starting off with smaller domain investments to get your feet wet before you try to tackle the aftermarket. This is where you can lose big if you’re not careful.
Fast Returns
There are also the every day quick flips. A quick flip is when you need to double your money fast. It takes a lot more work to keep it going, but it is done all the time. Quick flips can be as simple as using a $1 coupon code at a registrar to register a domain for 1 year. You can then flip/resell it fast in the reseller/wholesaler market for $2 (100% ROI) or maybe a $20 investment for $50 (150% ROI)
There are also many cases over the years where a $1 hand registration went to auction and sold for $100.00 to $3,000.00+ within 30 days of registering them.
Granted, the day’s of the $1.00 coupons are over for the legacy gTLDs, for the most part, however, there are still promotion like that on new gTLDs, allowing you test the markets and your skills with very little to no risk.
In Conclusion
It takes a lot of research to find the perfect digital property a business will want to develop, brand, and build on. If you enjoy research, then domain investing might be a good fit for you.
Here’s another twist. The value of a domain sometimes fluctuates with it’s niche market. This brings real estate and stock market strategies together to track peak value (Buy low, sell high) of a domain name (Digital real estate).
WARNING!!! Domain investing is not for everyone and many people make mistakes at first that lead to a lot of bad investments they can’t resell.
Here are some of the domain industry related articles our online brand management agency published over the years to help get you started in your research: Domain Industry
Visit our domains and domains + websites for sale page to get an idea.
To get started investing and reselling domain names, you’ll want to sign-up for a free membership at the largest and most active domain investors community in the world: namePros